
The’ Heritage Toolbox’ uses Reminiscence Therapy as a gentle method of helping patients to recall early memories.


Couldn’t your organisation support and engage with people from Black and Global Majority Communities better?

Our pioneering consultancy helps your organisation to see how.


Working with many organisations across different sectors our key focus is enabling your services to more effectively meet the ‘6A’s’ of Cultural Competency, by becoming increasingly;

  • Available
  • Accessible
  • Appropriate
  • Accommodating
  • Affordable
  • Adaptable

Learning and Development Programmes

Our in person courses can be delivered at your venue or at our training facility in Sheffield to groups of up to ten learners. Our experienced trainers use their knowledge to bring the subject matter to life with engaging discussions and learning activities.

Half day courses include refreshments whilst full day courses include a delicious lunch.


We also provide in-company training at your location. The best part of this solution is that it is tailor-made to impact confidence, competence and productivity of your people the most, with the least impact on budget and operations.

Regardless of the duration of the programme, what is covered, how it is covered, or how we support participants in embedding the learning, everything is flexible. Together with you, we design a training solution that gets the best results.

  • In most cases, private training is more affordable per person than public training, so even if you only have 3 or 4 participants, you should ask for a comparative quote


  • Compared to e-learning, face-to-face training provides interaction, engagement, and one-to-one sup


  • Training in-house provides a tailored solution, so you get the best return on investment


Learning Outcomes

Our Learning & Development Programmes are focused on embedding the four levels of Cultural Competency into the structures, philosophy, service delivery and family support provided by your organisation.

A culturally competent organisation has the capacity to bring into its system many different behaviours, attitudes, and policies and work effectively in cross-cultural settings to produce better outcomes.

Our Cultural Appropriate Dementia Toolkit Workshops - A Short Cut to Cultural Competency.

It is impossible for any front-line worker or manager to have the full cultural knowledge and awareness about each service-user and their families. Our Cultural Dementia Toolkits are effective tools in bridging these gaps, as within the Toolkit Guide is some brief background information about each area and topic, followed by a series of skilfully designed questions to ask, accompanied with specific prompts.

What is key however is enabling all front-line colleagues in knowing how to use the resources effectively and for them to feel and be confident in engaging with this useful tool.

Central also to this is developing the competency in knowing how to react, and respond when a distressing memory/incident that had long been locked away re-surfaces during any of their reminiscence sessions.

‘An Ounce of Practical Advice is Worth a Pound of Theory’

Need Support? We’ve Got Your Back

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