
‘Growing old is mandatory, however the ability to access culturally appropriate care services should not be optional’.


We at Culturally Appropriate Resources (CAR’s) are a team of passionate advocates for health and social care services to embrace, harness, and be propelled by cultural competency.

With a strong focus on Dementia, Diversity & Inclusion are at the core of everything we do, working closely with our partners in developing culturally responsive services, essential for services becoming more person-centred, more inclusive, more inspiring, and ultimately, more successful.

  Carl Case Introduces Tool Kit

Cultural Reminisce Tool Kits

At CAR’s, for front-line colleagues, working in adult health and social care, we have developed a series of bespoke ‘Dementia Cultural Reminisce Toolkits. Each ‘Toolkit’ is specific to their service-user’s cultural heritage, their land of birth, faith, childhood, and early adult experiences prior to, and soon after migrating to the UK.

Whether service-users are from areas now known as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the African nations or any of the various Caribbean countries, our multi-sensory toolkits empower front-line staff, with the appropriate triggers for releasing treasured memories, providing meaningful conversations that improves the caregiver-patient/service-user partnership. Contributing significantly towards them receiving the best possible care, tailored to their individual needs.

Learning and Development

To be innovative and agile, and to enhance the skills and competencies required in increasingly diverse health and social care environments, Learning and Development is vital.

In our ‘Training’ section you will find resources and information around person-centred approaches, cultural competency, and system leadership. Please take the time to browse around and if you have any suggestions or requests for anything else please do get in touch.

Bringing Back Treasured Memories

With a strong focus in promoting the health and well-being of ‘Elders’ within minority ethnic communities, we are acutely aware of the valuable contributions their families and caregivers make, roles that are often overlooked and underestimated.

We provide support and resources for those in this sector in a variety of ways, including the production of bespoke, Family Heritage Toolkits and with the ‘Deluxe Edition’ access to a film archive of vintage films & videos, filmed ‘Back Home’ bringing back treasured memories of childhood, social life, folklore, music, history, cultural traditions and plenty, plenty more.

Dementia Toolkit

Our kits are designed to act as a reminder of ‘Back Home’, bringing back happy memories and provide families with an activity that they can both engage in with their ‘Elders’.

Once we are provided with some specific background information about your loved one, accompanied with a few of their early photographs, we are able to customise your ‘Elder’s’ multi-sensory ‘Family Heritage Box’ to meet her/his specific needs by accurately reflecting their early social and cultural environments.

Each Heritage Box contains a range of vintage physical objects from their early years, items that they can once again hold, with the feel of it once again in their hands, instantly bringing back memories along with specific stories seldom or never heard by you and your siblings. Additional resources, include a selection of A3 laminated enlarged photographs from their parents & grandparents lived environments, images from their childhood and early schooling days, essential oils with the scents of yesteryear, along with additional memory artefacts from their early days in the UK.

Support for Families & Care-Givers

In relation to dementia and related health issues, many people within minority ethnic communities can be seen to have difficulty accessing, understanding, appraising, and communicating information. Our goal by developing the UK’s largest bank of culturally responsive dementia videos, is to address some of these unmet health literacy needs by supporting them ‘CHART’ their dementia journey with the provision of resources for those who require;

Culturally appropriate practical solutions for day-to-day challenges.
Help with important care decisions.
Advice on how to plan for the future.
Resources related to dementia, wellbeing, caregiving and aging.
To access culturally appropriate services that cater to their needs.

Dementia Tool Box

Our kits are designed to act as a reminder of ‘Back Home’, bringing back happy memories and provide families with a series of activities that they can both engage in with their ‘Elders’.

Once we are provided with specific background information about your loved one, along with a few of their early photographs, we are able to customise your ‘Elder’s’ multi-sensory ‘Family Heritage Box’ to meet her/his specific needs by accurately reflecting their early social and cultural environments.

Each Family Heritage Box contains a range of vintage physical objects from their early years. When they able to see, hold and feel these items once again in their hands memories are re-kindled accompanied with specific stories seldom or never heard by you and your siblings. Additional resources, include a selection of A3 laminated enlarged photographs memories from their grandparents generation, images from their childhood and early schooling days, essential oils with the scents of yesteryear, along with additional memory artefacts from their early days in the UK. ‘Elders’ are also provided with a unique link to over 200 videos encompassing folklore, music, history and yesteryear events from regions that they are from.

Improving Well-Being

Our ethos is built on the 4Ps pillars.










Dementia will inevitably increase as the ageing population grows. Currently, there is no cure for dementia, but with early intervention, many of the symptoms can be eased. Early intervention is support delivered at the earliest stage of dementia, following diagnosis.

3% of people with dementia are from BAME communities, which makes up around 25,000 people. This number is expected to double by 2026. Dementia risk for these groups is also increased, in part due to vascular risk factors such as hypertension.

It’s our goal to support older black and minority ethnic (BME) people in the UK living with dementia, and we prioritise working with partners to address to share knowledge, tools and resources that help keep the brain active and ward off the symptoms of dementia.


At Cultural Appropriate Resources, our resources can be completely personalised. These are flexible and dynamic packs that can be tailored to suit a variety of countries, countries and needs.

We value diversity and so our tool kits reflect this. Discover a culturally appropriate activity that will brighten the day of your loved one, resident or service user, regardless of their lifestyle, background or walk of life.


The covid-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on older people from minority ethnic communities in a broad variety of ways, especially for individuals and families concerned about dementia.

This can happen through:

  • Having less contact with people that understand and affirm their culture – in situations where people have moved countries.
  • Having no opportunity or contact with their culture or community outside of their home.
  • Being forced to spend more time with people who do not share their culture.
  • Experiencing more life events that have cultural significance – e.g, being at the end of life or losing someone close to them.
  • Family caregivers having limited support resources available.


We aid our partners in supporting both individuals and family caregivers with culturally appropriate practical solutions to day-to-day struggles. This includes

  • Help with important decisions.
  • Advice on how to plan for the future.
  • Resources that promote wellbeing, caregiving and aging.
  • Access to culturally adaptable support and appropriate services that cater to their needs.


We’re also here to support practitioners, care providers, and policy makers, to help you  adapt your approach to support more inclusive structures, ensuring that the services your provide are culturally appropriate.

In addition to providing practical cultural competent reminisce toolkits for front-line staff, we also provide management support to ensure that broader services meet the ‘6A’s’ by becoming increasingly:

  • Available
  • Accessible
  • Appropriate
  • Accommodating
  • Affordable
  • Adaptable

Generating New Ideas

Solving Big Problems

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